🕔 Now
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Family things#
Our eldest child is about to complete her third year in school, marking an important milestone as she approaches fourth grade, which will determine the secondary school she will attend. Meanwhile, our second child just turned two and is an incredibly energetic and curious little one. She is currently in the process of learning to speak and can already form sentences consisting of two to five words.
Both my partner and I find ourselves juggling a lot as we work full-time while ensuring the well-being of our children — a challenge that requires careful balancing. Although we have managed to establish a routine that works for us, it feels somewhat fragile, as unexpected business trips or illness can easily disrupt our carefully crafted plans.
I am proud to say that running has finally become a regular part of my life. I now run 2-3 times a week, covering distances ranging from 15 to 30 kilometers, depending on my schedule. I am currently training for a half marathon in September and feel confident that I will be able to complete it successfully. To keep track of my progress, I use my Apple Watch to monitor and record all my runs, which I then upload to Strava. If you’re interested in following my journey, you can find me there.
I already mentioned WebAssembly in my last now writeup. My interest hasn’t decreases and I’m still very much invested in the topic.
Within Liquid Reply we have been workin on kwasm.sh, a Kubernetes operator installing multiple WebAssembly runtimes on the cluster. This enables a user to schedule WebAssembly workloads directly next to containers, configured in the same pod manifest. It works on most* Kubernetes distributions, including managed services and brings those clusters en par with Azures Kubernetes Service.
Some other super interesting technologies I’m experimenting with are WasmCloud and Spin (the technology that is hosting this website). With huge interest I’m following the formation of wg-wasm, a subgroup of SIG-Runtime.
Rust is gaining increasing relevance across various domains, including servers, WebAssembly, and the tools I am personally invested in, such as aurae. In order to stay up-to-date and proficient in Rust, I feel the need to deepen my knowledge beyond a basic understanding of the compiler. I aim to achieve a level of expertise where I can confidently say, “I know exactly what I’m doing.” While I have acquired proficiency in most programming languages through hands-on experience, I’ve noticed that Rust requires a more focused and dedicated approach. It demands dedicated study and effort, but I find it to be an enjoyable and rewarding endeavor.